Hi there, I'm Erick Mwamodo.

I run ApexCode - a software studio that designs and develops ready-to-use business web applications using Laravel, Livewire, AlpineJS, and TailwindCSS.

Infinite Scroll with Laravel and Livewire

Infinite scrolling is a popular feature that allows users to load more content as they scroll down a webpage, rather than clicking on a pagination link to view additional content. This blog post will show you how to create an infinite scroll with Laravel and Livewire.

Building API Endpoints with Laravel

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become an integral part of modern web application development. They allow different software applications to communicate and share data, increasing the overall functionality and utility of your applications.

Database Transactions and Resource Locking in Laravel

Database transactions are an essential part of any web application. They provide a way to ensure the integrity of the data in a database by making sure that multiple operations are either all completed successfully, or all rolled back to their previous state if any of the operations fail.

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  1. Company
    Owner | Software Engineer
  2. Company
    Diaspora University Town
    Technical Lead
  3. Company
    Nineafrica LTD
    FullStack Engineer
  4. Company
    Rogim Designs Limited
    Backend Web Developer